Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

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1,704,466 coordinated disclosures
1,383,222 fixed vulnerabilities
1,991 bug bounty programs, 3,919 websites
46,994 researchers, 1,651 honor badges

warbid | Security Researcher Profile

Security researcher warbid has already helped fix 65 vulnerabilities.

Researcher reputation:  860

Real name:

About me:
Independent security researcher.
in the absence of serious vulnerabilities i submit XSS

Contact email:
[email protected]

Alternative Contacts:
PayPal & E-mail: [email protected]

Certifications & Diplomas:

Experience in Application Security
3-5 years

Award / Bug Bounty I prefer:
PayPal Bug Bounty Payment.

Follow me on:

Ethics and Rules:
warbid is required to abide by the ethics and rules of the Open Bug Bounty project. If you reasonably believe that rules are not respected, please report this to us.

Recommendations and Acknowledgements | Full List:

@sanjurosaves     4 December, 2019
    Twitter sanjurosaves sanjurosaves from John E. Allen Inc.:
Excellent discovery and discreet disclosure of an SQL injection vulnerability. Top tier security researcher.
@WebPassionist     31 July, 2019
    Twitter WebPassionist Heiko from egoo:
Really nice contact. Warbid got in contact with me by mail to inform me about a possible SQL injection vulnerability in one file I forgot to protect although this is not covered on OpenBugBounty. Everything is solved now.
@hifitorget     23 July, 2019
    Twitter hifitorget MrH from Adspace:
Thanks for notifying us on a SQLi vulnerability on one of our sites. Much appreciated!
@LOVD     12 July, 2021
    Twitter LOVD Ivo Fokkema from LOVD:
Thanks to Warbid, who found and reported an SQL injection vulnerability in our software so we could fix it!
@Chadnen     22 February, 2021
    Twitter Chadnen Adnen from Med:
Thanks very much for reporting an invisible SQL Injection vulnerability in my website. Thank you!
@Cazz0r     19 January, 2021
    Twitter Cazz0r Cam from Machineryhouse:
Massive thanks for Warbid for his vulnerability report sent directly to us! Thanks for making the web a safer place!
@frankthies     28 December, 2020
    Twitter frankthies Frank-Andre Thies from FDP Thueringen:
Thank you very much by helping us and finding an dangerous vulnerabilities. You give us a great support!
@web3g1     15 December, 2020
    Twitter web3g1 rom from web3g:
thanks to warbid for his discovery and disclosure of an SQL injection vulnerability, quick response and perfect work !!!
@AgenceWebBreizh     14 December, 2020
    Twitter AgenceWebBreizh Franck from enotesprice:
Thanks very much for reporting a vulnerability in our website. Much appreciated. Thank you!
@ComptaOnline     9 December, 2020
    Twitter ComptaOnline Fred from Compta Online:
Thank you so much for letting us know about a vulnerability in our web site ! Bug patched !
@benskiddle     30 October, 2020
    Twitter benskiddle Ben from BS:
Great disclosure of an SQL injection bug with good details to replicate the issue. Thank you.
@rlaager     26 October, 2020
    Twitter rlaager Richard Laager from Wiktel:
Thank you for reporting a SQL injection vulnerability and making the web safer.
@vadus     19 October, 2020
    Twitter vadus Vadim from
Warbid helped disclose several vulnerabilities on our website. With his help, we were able to patch this issue and close up the vulnerability. Thank you very much for your help, and thank you for helping to make the web a safer place.
@lorenzoherrera     16 September, 2020
    Twitter lorenzoherrera Loren from Litmind:
Warbid found another bug in our site related to blind SQL injection. He's now made it twice into our Bug hunters hall of fame:
@lorenzoherrera     14 September, 2020
    Twitter lorenzoherrera Loren from Litmind:
Gorgutz reported us a serious vulnerability that might cause an attacker to takeover another user's account in our site. Thanks to him we found the bug and solved it ASAP! We're so grateful for your time and expertise. Thank you!
@evergreen_uk     18 June, 2020
    Twitter evergreen_uk Andrew Cope from Evergreen:
Thanks very much for spotting a vulnerability in our customer's website. Much appreciated.
@fmosse     8 June, 2020
    Twitter fmosse Francisco from Francisco:
He is a very cordial person, he helped me without expecting anything in return for a website that I have many years with old code. I am very grateful
@viewbug     3 June, 2020
    Twitter viewbug Jim from ViewBug:
Thank you for helping us make our product safer. We appreciate how you reported the vulnerability and the detailed explanation with what could be done if left unattended. Really helpful :)
@darcyf1     1 May, 2020
    Twitter darcyf1 Darcy from DarcyF1:
Reported a SQL injection on an unsanitised input, which was a good pick up. Provided perfect detail to replicate which led to a speedy fix. Much appreciated, thank you.
@Hansaplastique     12 April, 2020
    Twitter Hansaplastique Hansaplastique from
Excellent catch on the SQL injection.
Warbird provided very good info to resolve the issue.
I highly recommend warbird!
@oswnl     10 March, 2020
    Twitter oswnl Jasper from OSW:
I'm grateful with the discovery of some SQL injections and the fast replies.
@IT_Wolve     9 March, 2020
    Twitter IT_Wolve Markus from Pepperl+Fuchs AG:
Thank you Gorgutz for reporting and helping us finding these XSS issues on our website. We fixed it.
@Sixten591     17 February, 2020
    Twitter Sixten591 Ulf from ProCup:
Thanks a lot for your help.
Really grateful
@vavideode     5 February, 2020
    Twitter vavideode Vavideo from Vavideo:
Very nice contact and fast replies! Thank you very much for improving the security on Vavideo.
@SecuriteInfoCom     30 January, 2020
    Twitter SecuriteInfoCom Arnaud Jacques from
Thank you for pointing us to a vulnerability.
@astroseekcom     21 January, 2020
    Twitter astroseekcom Petr9 from
Thank you for report about SQL vulnerability.
@bifurcate     23 December, 2019
    Twitter bifurcate Sasha Fokin from ONCO:
Thank you so much for pointing out the vulnerability!
@SherFaliks     6 November, 2019
    Twitter SherFaliks Falik Sher from TruConversion:
I'm grateful to Warbid helping us fix the issue with our application.
Good work and keep it up.
@eulenberger     21 October, 2019
    Twitter eulenberger Sven from netclusive GmbH:
Thanks for your work and time. Great job!
@tschipie     17 October, 2019
    Twitter tschipie Andreas from Bresser:
Thanks for the hint :)
Good work.
@nextepisodenet     15 October, 2019
    Twitter nextepisodenet Nikolay from
Thanks for notifying me helping me work on fixing a security vulnerability on Next Episode!
@pavelmusil     15 August, 2019
    Twitter pavelmusil Pavel Musil from Pavel Musil:
Thanks you for report about hidden vulnerabilities in my projects.
@MalagaCarCom     5 August, 2019
    Twitter MalagaCarCom Ruben from
warbid found a very serious problem in our website and helped us to track and fix the vulnerability. Thank you very much!
@testmynet     29 July, 2019
    Twitter testmynet Damon from
Thank you for the heads up, you're awesome!
@Zefyx     22 July, 2019
    Twitter Zefyx Zefyx from Zefyx:
A big thanks warbid for your finding !
@PaulAtTheHug     22 July, 2019
    Twitter PaulAtTheHug Paul from The Hug:
Warbid found a serious vulnerability in our site and promptly reported it. They also helped verify that our patch had fixed it.
@enejcz     19 July, 2019
    Twitter enejcz Arkadiusz from
warbid found xss vulnerability on our website. We have fixed the issue. Thank you for your report!
@greatyouthgames     17 July, 2019
    Twitter greatyouthgames Admin from YGG:
Thank you for helpfully and promptly notifying us of a vulnerability in our project. Super!
@AniDBStatus     16 July, 2019
    Twitter AniDBStatus Admin from
Thank you for notifying us of an XSS vulnerability in our project

Please login via Twitter to add a recommendation

Honor Badges

Number of Secured Websites

10+ Secured Websites Badge
50+ Secured Websites Badge
500+ Secured Websites Badge
Web Security Veteran Badge
10+ Websites
50+ Websites
500+ Websites
1000+ Websites

Advanced Security Research

WAF Bypasser Badge
CSRF Master Badge
AppSec Logic Master Badge
Fastest Fix Badge
WAF Bypasser
CSRF Master
30+ Reports
AppSec Logic Master
30+ Reports
Fastest Fix
Fix in 24 hours

Outstanding Achievements

Secured OBB Badge
OBB Advocate Badge
Improved OBB Badge
Secured OBB
OBB Advocate
Improved OBB

Commitment to Remediate and Patch

Patch Master Badge
Patch Guru Badge
Patch Lord Badge
Patch Master
55% Patched
Patch Guru
65% Patched
Patch Lord
75% Patched

Recommendations and Recognition

10+ Recommends
25+ Recommends
50+ Recommends

Distinguished Blog Author

Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
1 Post
3 Posts
5+ Posts

Research Statistics

Total reports:108
Total reports on VIP sites:9
Total patched vulnerabilities:65
Recommendations received:39
Active since:15.07.2019

Open Bug Bounty Certificate

Researcher Certificate

Reported Vulnerabilities

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  Recent Recommendations

    22 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!
    10 April, 2024
Hatim uncovered a XSS bug that we were able to quickly resolve. Thanks very much for your assistance and help.
    8 April, 2024
Thanks to the support of Hatim Chabik, we were able to identify and solve an XSS bug.
    5 April, 2024
Pooja found a XSS vulnerability on our website and provided us with the needed Information for replication and fixing the issue. Which she verified afterwards.
We thank her for the reporting and assistance.
    2 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!