Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

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1,704,460 coordinated disclosures
1,383,099 fixed vulnerabilities
1,991 bug bounty programs, 3,919 websites
46,962 researchers, 1,651 honor badges

singhnitesh21 | Security Researcher Profile

Security researcher singhnitesh21 has already helped fix 808 vulnerabilities.

Researcher reputation:  520

Real name:
Nitesh Singh

About me:
Note :- If You Fixed Your Website Vulnerability, Please Don't Forget To Give Me Recommendations and Acknowledgements In My Open Bug Bounty Profile. link below

Contact email:
E-MAIL: [email protected]

Award / Bug Bounty I prefer:
I prefer :
- Rewards
- Benefits Gifts
- Swag
- Hall of Fame
- Acknowledgment
- PayPal Money :
- Amazon Gift Cards :

Follow me on:

Ethics and Rules:
Nitesh Singh is required to abide by the ethics and rules of the Open Bug Bounty project. If you reasonably believe that rules are not respected, please report this to us.

Recommendations and Acknowledgements | Full List:

@novelgames     21 February, 2024
    Twitter novelgames Peter Lee from Novel Games Limited:
Reported an XSS vulnerability in our website
@Freedback_com     6 May, 2023
    Twitter Freedback_com Steve from
Thank you so much for your excellent description (and video!)of the XSS vulnerability on my website and detailed email with many other great suggestions!
@Freedback_com     6 May, 2023
    Twitter Freedback_com Steve from
Thank you so much for your excellent description of the XSS vulnerability on my website and detailed email with many other great suggestions!
@seminardd     5 December, 2022
    Twitter seminardd Andy K. from SeminarDD:
Thank you for your valuable report.
@Ixudra     5 October, 2022
    Twitter Ixudra Jan O from AB BE:
Nitesh put in real effort to find not one but several bugs in our platform. He was very clear and concise in his communication, which allowed us to swiftly address the problems he reported. We can't thank him enough for taking the time and making the web more secure for both our company as well as our clients and we hope he will continue to do so for all members of the internet! Keep up the good work!
@mromy     31 August, 2022
    Twitter mromy mromy from Jahia:
@singhnitesh21 reported a pretty detailed XSS vulnerability , and we are very grateful for the responsible disclosure that was made of that vulnerabilty.
Thank you very much for reaching out to us, and great work !
@MrMoney84315336     13 July, 2022
    Twitter MrMoney84315336 Jens Weck from Mr-Money Software GmbH:
Thank you to @singhnitesh21 for reporting and providing prompt and courteous details on our website, leading to a quick and pain free resolution. Keep up the good work.
@notedekd     28 April, 2022
    Twitter notedekd Note from Dek-D:
@singhnitesh21 provides precise and comprehensive vulnerable information. I highly appreciate the support and quick response.
@DeanHalter     25 April, 2022
    Twitter DeanHalter Dean Halter from University of Dayton:
Appreciate the skill and effort Nitesh and others in the open bounty, ethical hacker community bring to the table. He pointed out an XSS vulnerability on our website.
@kkb5mobile     22 February, 2022
    Twitter kkb5mobile kkb5mobile from KKB:
With the vulnerability information from you, we were able to avoid a security incident.
Thank you for contacting me.
@kkb5mobile     22 February, 2022
    Twitter kkb5mobile kkb5mobile from KKB:
With the vulnerability information from you, we were able to avoid a security incident.
Thank you for contacting me.
@bjdean     19 May, 2021
    Twitter bjdean bjdean from Home_co_uk:
Your report was helpful in identifying and flaw and in improving our website security, thanks!
@simondale101     27 April, 2021
    Twitter simondale101 Simon Dale from theCrag:
Thanks for finding the XSS vulnerability in our site. Your response was fast, detailed and clear which made it easy to fix quickly.
@JonSmit93366590     26 March, 2021
    Twitter JonSmit93366590 Jon Smit from IPDB:
Thank you for reporting the issue so I could patch it and make the site safer for our users. Very clear report and reproduction steps.
@bryanlteague     22 March, 2021
    Twitter bryanlteague Bryan Teague from University of San Diego:
The security researcher did a fantastic job of identifying and communicating the security issues they have found. They forwarded all the necessary information for us to validate the issue, and confirm its fix once the development staff addressed the security report.
@bryanlteague     22 March, 2021
    Twitter bryanlteague Bryan Teague from University of San Diego:
This researcher has a great template for communicating vulnerabilities. They outlined all of the information I needed in order to address the issue, including how to duplicate the issue so I could validate the fix. Thorough and excellent work!
@bryanlteague     19 March, 2021
    Twitter bryanlteague Bryan Teague from University of San Diego:
The researcher did an outstanding job of identifying the issue, and detailing how to duplicate it. I appreciate this researcher's diligence.
@lorenzoherrera     16 January, 2021
    Twitter lorenzoherrera Loren from Litmind:
@singhnitesh21 found a hidden bug that might've allowed some XSS nasty things to sneak in. We've featured him in our bug hunters hall of fame:
@Mettenmeier     11 January, 2021
    Twitter Mettenmeier Ingo from Mettenmeier:
@singhnitesh21 helped us discover an access control issue with our website. We highly appreciate your support and your instant response enabling us to quickly fix the problem.
@EvoraIT     23 November, 2020
    Twitter EvoraIT Genia from EvoraIT:
Thank you to @singhnitesh21 for your responsible disclosure of an issue with our website on @openbugbounty and providing details on what to fix very timely. Great work for better web security!
@AsictSoc     18 November, 2020
    Twitter AsictSoc Security Operation Center from Politecnico di Milano:
Dear singhnitesh21,

the SOC of Politecnico di Milano would like to thank you for disclosing us a XSS vulnerability on our infrastructure.
@jds88y     17 November, 2020
    Twitter jds88y Jason Sadler from GeoData Institute, University of Southampton:
Thank you again @singhnitesh21 for reporting and providing prompt and courteous details of a new bug on one of our websites, leading to a quick and pain free resolution. Keep up the good work.
@SteffenBugenha1     16 November, 2020
    Twitter SteffenBugenha1 Steffen Bugenhagen from interaid GmbH:
Thank you very much for finding XSS bugs within our application. Your respond was very fast and detailed, so it was easy to identify the problem and fix it asap. Keep up the good work!
@notedekd     28 October, 2020
    Twitter notedekd Waroros from Dek-D:
Thank for the detail reporting.
@kitnospt     22 September, 2020
    Twitter kitnospt kitnospt from Hijiffy:
Thanks for all the help and detailed reporting
@wall26com     3 September, 2020
    Twitter wall26com Wall26 from Wall26:
Thanks for reporting the wordpress user disclosure issue. Good work!
@zaikoio     28 August, 2020
    Twitter zaikoio Zaiko from Zaiko:
Great work. Thank you for the thorough report.
@StefanCink     6 August, 2020
    Twitter StefanCink Stefan Cink from Net at Work:
Thanks to @singhnitesh21 we were able to close a vulnerability on our website asap. Thank you!
@LeahBecerra     26 June, 2020
    Twitter LeahBecerra Leah from Nieman Foundation:
Thanks, @singhnitesh21, for getting my attention and disclosing a vulnerability that needed a fix on our site! When I reached out for more info, your response was quick and gave the information we needed to patch the issue.
@duocirclellc     8 May, 2020
    Twitter duocirclellc Brad from Duo Circle:
Thank you to @singhnitesh21 for your responsible disclosure. It was an easy to implement remediation. Appreciate the approach you took by using the open bug bounty system.
@darcyf1     2 May, 2020
    Twitter darcyf1 Darcy from DarcyF1:
Provided a pointer that a directory with scripts was browsable because of an .htaccess misconfiguration which led to a quick resolution - thank you!
@jds88y     8 April, 2020
    Twitter jds88y Jason Sadler from GeoData Institute, University of Southampton:
Thank you to @singhnitesh21 for reporting and providing prompt and courteous details of a bug on our website, leading to a quick and pain free resolution. Keep up the good work.

Please login via Twitter to add a recommendation

Honor Badges

Number of Secured Websites

10+ Secured Websites Badge
50+ Secured Websites Badge
500+ Secured Websites Badge
Web Security Veteran Badge
10+ Websites
50+ Websites
500+ Websites
1000+ Websites

Advanced Security Research

WAF Bypasser Badge
CSRF Master Badge
AppSec Logic Master Badge
Fastest Fix Badge
WAF Bypasser
CSRF Master
30+ Reports
AppSec Logic Master
30+ Reports
Fastest Fix
Fix in 24 hours

Outstanding Achievements

Secured OBB Badge
OBB Advocate Badge
Improved OBB Badge
Secured OBB
OBB Advocate
Improved OBB

Commitment to Remediate and Patch

Patch Master Badge
Patch Guru Badge
Patch Lord Badge
Patch Master
55% Patched
Patch Guru
65% Patched
Patch Lord
75% Patched

Recommendations and Recognition

10+ Recommends
25+ Recommends
50+ Recommends

Distinguished Blog Author

Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
1 Post
3 Posts
5+ Posts

Research Statistics

Total reports:1539
Total reports on VIP sites:131
Total patched vulnerabilities:808
Total vulnerabilities on Hold (Open Bug Bounty):2
Recommendations received:32
Active since:20.03.2020

Open Bug Bounty Certificate

Researcher Certificate

Reported Vulnerabilities

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  Recent Recommendations

    22 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!
    10 April, 2024
Hatim uncovered a XSS bug that we were able to quickly resolve. Thanks very much for your assistance and help.
    8 April, 2024
Thanks to the support of Hatim Chabik, we were able to identify and solve an XSS bug.
    5 April, 2024
Pooja found a XSS vulnerability on our website and provided us with the needed Information for replication and fixing the issue. Which she verified afterwards.
We thank her for the reporting and assistance.
    2 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!