Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

Platform update: please use our new authentication mechanism to securely use the Open Bug Bounty Platform.
For security researchers
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1,704,459 coordinated disclosures
1,383,099 fixed vulnerabilities
1,991 bug bounty programs, 3,919 websites
46,956 researchers, 1,651 honor badges

iamDEAD | Security Researcher Profile

Security researcher iamDEAD has already helped fix 443 vulnerabilities.

Researcher reputation:  450

Real name:
Sohail Shaikh

Contact email:
[email protected]

Alternative Contacts:
[email protected]

Certifications & Diplomas:

Experience in Application Security
< 1 year

Award / Bug Bounty I prefer:
A thanks/profile recommendation will be really appreciated, but if you'd like:

# Reward via Paypal:
# Hall Of Fame
# T-shirts, Caps, Stickers, Key-chains, etc

Halls of Fame:
* optimizely
* trello
* healthunlocked

Follow me on:

Ethics and Rules:
Sohail Shaikh is required to abide by the ethics and rules of the Open Bug Bounty project. If you reasonably believe that rules are not respected, please report this to us.

Recommendations and Acknowledgements | Full List:

@madmas     30 June, 2022
    Twitter madmas Markus from EvKgmSgb:
Thanks to iamDEAD's very detailed and useful reports, we could close some very important vulnerabilities in our system. Thank you!
@TiagoGuedesEGo1     26 May, 2022
    Twitter TiagoGuedesEGo1 Tiago Guedes from E-goi:
iamDEAD made us aware of several security vulnerabilities that represented security flaws of several degrees and needed to be rectified.

It was a pleasure working with you and I hope we can work again in the future, Thank you!
@DeanHalter     20 April, 2022
    Twitter DeanHalter Dean from University of Dayton:
Thank you for reporting the pair of XSS issues you found on our site. Your expertise and ethical reporting/handling helped us secure our website. Keep up the great and necessary work.
@chrisbeach     19 April, 2022
    Twitter chrisbeach Chris Beach from
Thank you for helping find a bug on Much appreciated.
@CGACheryl     1 April, 2022
    Twitter CGACheryl CGA from CGA:
Thank you for helping us detect XSS vulnerabilities. This information has been extremely valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to help keep us secure.

Highly recommend.
@RT_RM_90     28 March, 2022
    Twitter RT_RM_90 René from Redmatters:
He found an XSS bug on our site that slipped through our controls, thanks to him our users are now more secure.
@cmnettweet     27 March, 2022
    Twitter cmnettweet Matthias from
Thanks for retesting, to ensure that all XSS issues on the site have been fixed.
@SSRLN1     29 September, 2021
    Twitter SSRLN1 Webmaster from SSRLN:
Thank you for reminding us to fix our vulnerability that fell by the wayside. It was very nice of you to re-test after we informed you of fixing it as well!
@brosoft     12 October, 2020
    Twitter brosoft Martin from Credible:
Thank you for your help. We appreciate the responsible reporting and the re-testing it once we patched it. :)
@vadus     10 October, 2020
    Twitter vadus Vadim from
Sohail found a security problems we didn't think we could have. Thanks for helping, keep the Internet secure!
@lorenzoherrera     9 October, 2020
    Twitter lorenzoherrera Loren from Litmind:
He found an XSS bug on our site that slipped through our controls, thanks to him our users are now more secure, and he's earned his place in our Hall of fame: Thank you!
@TristanGuiheux     9 October, 2020
    Twitter TristanGuiheux tristanguiheux from LA POSTE:
iamD345 has helped us to find and fix some issues on web sites we're protecting. This kind of help is always appreciated from a security perspective. This way we can improve ourselves and protect our customers. Thanks again in my name.
@testmynet     29 September, 2020
    Twitter testmynet Damon from
Very helpful researcher found a XSS issue that others didn't see.
@trippingflags     24 September, 2020
    Twitter trippingflags dave f from RGU:
Thanks for highlighting this issue for us and also for re-testing it once we patched it. :)
@notedekd     14 September, 2020
    Twitter notedekd Waroros from Dek-D:
Thank you for reporting XSS vulnerability on my website.
@alanfreed88     9 September, 2020
    Twitter alanfreed88 Alan Freedman from Computer Language Company:
Thank you for your notifying us. We hardened the site to prevent the type of XSS you brought to our attention. Keep up the good work!!!
@stefanomora     9 September, 2020
    Twitter stefanomora Stefano from
Great help, great kindness, great job!
Thank you very much
@MitsuhashiN     9 September, 2020
    Twitter MitsuhashiN Nobutaka Mitsuhashi from NBDC:
Thank you for reporting my website vulnerability. Provide useful information, and easy to fix.
@bhommertzheim     3 September, 2020
    Twitter bhommertzheim Bhommertzheim from
Thanks for passing along your XSS. The documentation you provided was concise and very well written.
@CartRover     19 June, 2020
    Twitter CartRover William from CartRover:
Provided a very detailed report of an XSS vulnerability on one of our sites. Was very professional and pleasant to work with. Thank you so much for your report!
@ismayilov_013     17 February, 2020
    Twitter ismayilov_013 Orkhan Ismayilov from
Great job to find a XSS bug on website. Thank you for reporting us about this and wish you good luck in future bug hunts.
@SandiSchleicher     23 January, 2020
    Twitter SandiSchleicher Sanford Schleicher from
Thank you for reporting the XSS issue you found. Based on your information we were able to fix the problem. Thank you!
@wikimediatech     13 January, 2020
    Twitter wikimediatech Wikimedia Tech from The Wikimedia Foundation:
Thanks so much for reporting the issues with labs! Based on your information we were able to make needed fixes! Thank you!
@greghansonidaho     6 January, 2020
    Twitter greghansonidaho Greg from Endpoint:
Thank you for finding and reporting XSS vulnerability. Will look into more options with Openbugbounty now that I am aware of the platform.
@LancasterUniSOC     6 January, 2020
    Twitter LancasterUniSOC John from lancaster:
Thank you very much for reporting this in such a professional way.
@SandiSchleicher     2 January, 2020
    Twitter SandiSchleicher Sanford Schleicher from
Thank you for reporting an XSS vulnerability on our site. We have resolved the problem and appreciate your help in this process.
@notedekd     2 January, 2020
    Twitter notedekd Waroros from Dek-D:
Thank you for reporting my website vulnerability. Provide useful information, and easy to fix.

@ps_wein     23 December, 2019
    Twitter ps_wein Torsten from
Thank you for reporting a XSS vulnerability. Nice and fast contact.
@nickdos     25 November, 2019
    Twitter nickdos Nick from ALA:
Found a number of vulnerabilities on our site, which we were able to fix. Many thanks.
@testmynet     7 November, 2019
    Twitter testmynet CA3LE from
Thank you for reporting that XSS vulnerability, I appreciate it.
@hearthstonehu     28 June, 2019
    Twitter hearthstonehu Bence from Hearthstone Hungary:
Thank you for reporting the XSS vulnerability on my website. You helped me find the issue, and now the website is safer, thanks to you!

Please login via Twitter to add a recommendation

Honor Badges

Number of Secured Websites

10+ Secured Websites Badge
50+ Secured Websites Badge
500+ Secured Websites Badge
Web Security Veteran Badge
10+ Websites
50+ Websites
500+ Websites
1000+ Websites

Advanced Security Research

WAF Bypasser Badge
CSRF Master Badge
AppSec Logic Master Badge
Fastest Fix Badge
WAF Bypasser
CSRF Master
30+ Reports
AppSec Logic Master
30+ Reports
Fastest Fix
Fix in 24 hours

Outstanding Achievements

Secured OBB Badge
OBB Advocate Badge
Improved OBB Badge
Secured OBB
OBB Advocate
Improved OBB

Commitment to Remediate and Patch

Patch Master Badge
Patch Guru Badge
Patch Lord Badge
Patch Master
55% Patched
Patch Guru
65% Patched
Patch Lord
75% Patched

Recommendations and Recognition

10+ Recommends
25+ Recommends
50+ Recommends

Distinguished Blog Author

Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
1 Post
3 Posts
5+ Posts

Research Statistics

Total reports:577
Total reports on VIP sites:123
Total patched vulnerabilities:443
Recommendations received:31
Active since:16.01.2019

Open Bug Bounty Certificate

Researcher Certificate

Reported Vulnerabilities

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  Recent Recommendations

    22 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!
    10 April, 2024
Hatim uncovered a XSS bug that we were able to quickly resolve. Thanks very much for your assistance and help.
    8 April, 2024
Thanks to the support of Hatim Chabik, we were able to identify and solve an XSS bug.
    5 April, 2024
Pooja found a XSS vulnerability on our website and provided us with the needed Information for replication and fixing the issue. Which she verified afterwards.
We thank her for the reporting and assistance.
    2 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!