Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

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1,773,543 coordinated disclosures
1,465,930 fixed vulnerabilities
2,083 bug bounty programs, 3,998 websites
56,421 researchers, 1,732 honor badges

Renzi Top VIP Security Researcher of the Month | Security Researcher Profile

Security researcher Renzi has already helped fix 7683 vulnerabilities.

Researcher reputation:  570

Real name:
Felipe Gabriel Renzi

About me:
-> Cyber Security Analyst and Security Researcher (Brazil).
-> We can make Web a Safer Place.

Note: Please, if you fixed vulnerability, don't forget to give me recommendations in my OBB Profile.

Contact email:
-> E-mail: [email protected]
-> Contact me as soon as possible to protect your web application!

Certifications & Diplomas:
-> Forest Engineering - UNESP
-> Information Security - SENAC

Experience in Application Security
over 5 years

Award / Bug Bounty I prefer:
-> Bounty Payment (PayPal).
-> Public Recognition & thanks (Here).
-> Swag (T-shirt, stickers, cups).
-> Vouchers (eg. Amazon Brazil)

Halls of Fame:
SoundCloud, Western Union, Alibaba, T-mobile, Telefonica, Tim, Huawei, Skyscanner, Jet, MasterCard, Wp Engine, Indeed, Costant Contact, Engel & Volkers Technology GmbH, U.S. Dept Of Defense, MTN and..

Follow me on:

Ethics and Rules:
Felipe Gabriel Renzi is required to abide by the ethics and rules of the Open Bug Bounty project. If you reasonably believe that rules are not respected, please report this to us.

Recommendations and Acknowledgements | Full List:

@antonyranger     2 February, 2021
    Twitter antonyranger Antony from Acquire:
Thanks Felipe for bringing this XSS vulnerability to our attention in a timely and professional manner.
@ukegawa     24 September, 2019
    Twitter ukegawa ukegawa from kurogo:
Thank you for the report! We appreciate it.
@AndyTrier     2 May, 2019
    Twitter AndyTrier Andreas from Trier-Saarburg:
Felipe found a XSS flaw in one of our web pages, and kindly told us about it so that we could address it. We'd like to thank Felipe for his prompt and professional disclosure.
@KoegelGmbH     30 April, 2019
    Twitter KoegelGmbH Daniel from Kögel:
Felipe kindly pointed out an XSS problem to us. Thanks to his support, we were able to solve the problem quickly.
Thank you very much Felipe, your help is highly appreciated!
@artinberlin     25 April, 2019
    Twitter artinberlin Christoph Thomessen from Kuag:
Felipe fand einen XSS Fehler in einer unserer Web-Seiten und gab uns Tipps für ein sicheres Internet. Vielen Dank.
@buerofuenf     23 April, 2019
    Twitter buerofuenf Jens from Büro 5 GmbH:
Felipe found a XSS security vulnerability in one of our customers site. We fixed it accordingly. He was very fast in answering and very supportive. Thank you very much, your help is highly appreciated! We will keep you in mind for future security checks on other websites.
@matthias_lueck     15 April, 2019
    Twitter matthias_lueck Matthias Lück from Brinkmann Audio:
Felipe found a vulnerability in our website , which we were able to fix with Felipes detailed report. He was very responsive and professional. Highly recommended!
Thank you very much Felipe!
@Majestic     22 January, 2019
    Twitter Majestic Philip Aggrey from Majestic:
Following Felipe's disclosure, we have now fixed the Reflected Cross-Site Scripting web vulnerability you discovered in our "" web-application. We'd like to thank Felipe for his prompt and professional disclosure.
@DJB31st     22 January, 2019
    Twitter DJB31st Dave Beaumont :
Found a xss issue, quickly emailed with the affected pages and links to aid resolving. Many thanks
@jddimarco     2 November, 2018
    Twitter jddimarco John DiMarco from University of Toronto Computer Science Dept:
Felipe found a XSS flaw in one of our researchers' web pages, and kindly told us about it so that we could address it. Thank you, Felipe.
@ToshiharuKuroy1     2 October, 2019
    Twitter ToshiharuKuroy1 Kuroyanagi :
Thanks to Felipe's advice, we could fix potential XSS threat.
And we appreciate his very kind and proffesional support.
Thanks a lot.
@UUCSIRT     1 October, 2019
    Twitter UUCSIRT Hans Liss from Uppsala university:
Thank you for the vulnerability report! We appreciate it.
@ukegawa     24 September, 2019
    Twitter ukegawa ukegawa from kurogo:
Thank you for the report! We appreciate it.
@sagawa89     19 September, 2019
    Twitter sagawa89 sagawa from Rapha Ltd.:
I am grateful for finding the problem of my customers site.
@IidaKatsuyoshi     12 September, 2019
    Twitter IidaKatsuyoshi Katsuyoshi Iida from Hokkaido Univ:
Felipe found a vulnerability in our web pages, and he kindly told us how to deal with it. Thank you very much!
@TucWebmaster     28 August, 2019
    Twitter TucWebmaster TUCWebmaster from TU Chemnitz:
Thanks for your work! Without people like you who investigate time in discovering security flaws especially university and other public authority servers would stay unprotected much longer.
@EricLucas_     27 August, 2019
    Twitter EricLucas_ Eric L from IARC:
Felipe reported an XSS problem to us. Thanks to his prompt support, we were able to identify and solve the problem quickly.
Thank you very much Felipe, your great input is highly appreciated and useful!
@runlevelone     14 August, 2019
    Twitter runlevelone runlevelone :
Thank you for your great input!
@y0s     5 August, 2019
    Twitter y0s Yoshi Morimura from Kyoto Univ.:
Felipe found a XSS problem on one of our websites. He responded to me quickly and friendly, which helped us a lot. Thank you so much!
@sugizouw     5 August, 2019
    Twitter sugizouw hisashi from University of Yamanashi.:
I advised you about the vulnerability.
Thank you.
@sugizouw     5 August, 2019
    Twitter sugizouw hisashi from University of Yamanashi.:
I advised you about the vulnerability.
Thank you.
@mijomarkose     4 August, 2019
    Twitter mijomarkose Milton Markose from University of Waikato:
I would like to thanks Felipe for his responsible XSS disclosure in one of our website. Felipe was very helpful in detailing the vulnerability and given the details, we need to fix it. Thank you very much and keep up the good security work. Cheers
@NewLineHorizon1     3 August, 2019
    Twitter NewLineHorizon1 Melisa from NewLineHorizon:

Thanks for participating in responsible disclosure program.
The reports you submitted were extremely helpful to our team and provided us the details we needed to resolve the issues that you identified.
We are deeply committed to provide a safe and secure experience to our users and are therefore grateful for your efforts to help us improve our services.

Best Regards!
@CiubanAdrian     3 August, 2019
    Twitter CiubanAdrian Adrian from
Big thanks to Felipe for finding the vulnerability on our website.He responded very quickly to our email, explained what the problem is and provided an example so we can fix the issue.
Thank you Felipe!
Highly Recommended.
@shinguz     22 July, 2019
    Twitter shinguz Shinguz from
A big thank you to Felipe for the vulnerability report of the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks! The report was detailed enough, with a simple example, to let me quickly verify and fix the issue.
@DarrenSproats     17 July, 2019
    Twitter DarrenSproats Darren from Ironcore:
Felipe found a vulnerability on two of our websites , which we were able to fix with his detailed instructions. Thanks for your help, Felipe! Highly recommended.
@batavlz     17 July, 2019
    Twitter batavlz batavlz from VLI Z:
Thanks for reporting a security issue, much appreciated.
@Asif98959182     17 July, 2019
    Twitter Asif98959182 Asif from BC Pension Corp:
Felipe found a vulnerability on our website and reported to us.
I found him very ethical and professional.
I want to say him “Thanks” for all the help!
@psaulnier     17 July, 2019
    Twitter psaulnier Paul from SJHS:
Felipe found a vulnerability on our website, which we were able to fix quickly with the details provided. Thank you!
@MPDL     15 July, 2019
    Twitter MPDL MPDL from MPDL:
Felipe found a vulnerability in our website, which we were able to fix with his detailed report. Highly recommended! Thank you very much Felipe!
@joeppy     15 July, 2019
    Twitter joeppy Joep from Camptoo:
Felipe found & reported an XSS flaw on our website to us and was quick to provide us with the details when we contacted him. We were able to patch the flaw within a day.
Thank you, Felipe!
@fwchj     12 July, 2019
    Twitter fwchj fwchj from fwchj:
Felipe helped us identify a XSS flaw on our login page, which we were able to fix. Thank you!
@andryou     3 July, 2019
    Twitter andryou Andrew :
Many thanks Felipe for your responsible disclosure and info on how to address it!
@mrroessel     15 May, 2019
    Twitter mrroessel Mario Rössel from Memory Alpha:
Felipe found a XSS vulnerability on my website. With his prompt help I was able to fix it.

Thank you very much Felipe!
@Shopweezle     15 May, 2019
    Twitter Shopweezle Andreas from Company:
Thanks for help fixing issues.
fast communication; good job.

But this portal doesnt change status after fixing. Why?
@PaulAtTheHug     2 May, 2019
    Twitter PaulAtTheHug Paul Oldham from The Hug:
Bit slow to respond (ten days) but did find a XSS vulnerability which was worth patching.
@fparisot     20 January, 2019
    Twitter fparisot Fabrice PARISOT from Fab's AutoBackup:
Felipe found an XSS security flaw on my website's landing page. He kindly told which one was affected and I could fix it. I do not run a big company (self employed) and cannot afford huge paypal rewards (at least for now, it hope this will change ;) ). If he finds something wrong on your website and you can reward him, just do it because he truly deserves it! Highly recommended.
Thanks a lot man!

Please login via Twitter to add a recommendation

Honor Badges

Number of Secured Websites

10+ Secured Websites Badge
50+ Secured Websites Badge
500+ Secured Websites Badge
Web Security Veteran Badge
10+ Websites
50+ Websites
500+ Websites
1000+ Websites

Advanced Security Research

WAF Bypasser Badge
CSRF Master Badge
AppSec Logic Master Badge
Fastest Fix Badge
WAF Bypasser
CSRF Master
30+ Reports
AppSec Logic Master
30+ Reports
Fastest Fix
Fix in 24 hours

Outstanding Achievements

Secured OBB Badge
OBB Advocate Badge
Improved OBB Badge
Secured OBB
OBB Advocate
Improved OBB

Commitment to Remediate and Patch

Patch Master Badge
Patch Guru Badge
Patch Lord Badge
Patch Master
55% Patched
Patch Guru
65% Patched
Patch Lord
75% Patched

Recommendations and Recognition

10+ Recommends
25+ Recommends
50+ Recommends

Distinguished Blog Author

Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
1 Post
3 Posts
5+ Posts

Research Statistics

Total reports:16414
Total reports on VIP sites:49
Total patched vulnerabilities:7683
Recommendations received:37
Active since:31.05.2018
Top Security Researcher Awards:Gold Star Top Security Researcher of the Month

Open Bug Bounty Certificate

Researcher Certificate

Reported Vulnerabilities

All Submissions VIP Submissions

10.02.2021  Sysadminotaur nº88

01.10.2019  #Security 100%

13.08.2019  XSSCon - XSS Tool @Kitploit

Powerfull Simple XSSScanner made with python 3.7



01.05.2019  1000's of default passwords on

01.05.2019  Fuxploider - @almandin

" Fuxploider is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting file upload forms flaws. This tool is able to detect the file types allowed to be uploaded and is able to detect which technique will work best to upload web shells or any malicious file on the desired web server. "

  Latest Patched


  Latest Blog Posts

04.12.2023 by BAx99x
Unmasking the Power of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Types, Exploitation, Detection, and Tools
04.12.2023 by a13h1_
$1120: ATO Bug in Twitter’s
04.12.2023 by ClumsyLulz
How I found a Zero Day in W3 Schools
04.12.2023 by 24bkdoor
Hack the Web like a Pirate: Identifying Vulnerabilities with Style
04.12.2023 by 24bkdoor
Navigating the Bounty Seas with Open Bug Bounty

  Recent Recommendations

    13 January, 2025
Andrea discovered an XSS vulnerability on one of our pages. We promptly patched that thanks to her report. We give top marks for spotting our mistake. Thank you again
    20 December, 2024
Thank you very much for your reporting a XSS vulnerability on my site.
Thanks also for the friendly communication!
Great job!
    10 December, 2024
Thank you for identifying an old development project. Information provided was clear allowing a swift removal of the offending code.
    10 December, 2024
Andrea is very professional and reported an issue responsibly and in a timely manner, with great communication about the scope and potential impact. Though it was a low-severity issue, this was nevertheless something in need of patching and we're always grateful at PrivacySafe to security researchers, especially hardworking volunteers like Andrea.
    9 December, 2024
Reported an XSS vulnerability on our website, and provided enough details for us to fix it quickly. So helpful!!