Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

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1,383,223 fixed vulnerabilities
1,991 bug bounty programs, 3,919 websites
46,994 researchers, 1,651 honor badges

Rashed_Naamani Top VIP Security Researcher of the Month | Security Researcher Profile

Security researcher Rashed_Naamani has already helped fix 2444 vulnerabilities.

Researcher reputation:  560

Real name:
Rashed Al Naamani

About me:
Linux Addict ....Dont Learn to Hack...Hack to Learn

Contact email:
[email protected]

Experience in Application Security
1-3 years

Award / Bug Bounty I prefer:
1-A recommendation on my profile

2-Bug Bounty (PayPal)

3-Swag (T-Shirt/electronics)

Please Pray for My Father and Mother. I am what I am today, because they did a fantastic job in raising me

Halls of Fame:

Follow me on:

Ethics and Rules:
Rashed Al Naamani is required to abide by the ethics and rules of the Open Bug Bounty project. If you reasonably believe that rules are not respected, please report this to us.

Recommendations and Acknowledgements | Full List:

@ziduniwien     11 September, 2018
    Twitter ziduniwien Computer Center from University of Vienna:
Dear Rashed,

The University of Vienna would like to thank you for your valuable contribution in finding a website security issue. Your input is highly welcome and helps to raise the security level of our educational institution.

Servus and greetings from Vienna, Austria.
@jas0n360     5 September, 2018
    Twitter jas0n360 Jason from Coventry City Council:
Thank you to Rashed for being helpful in finding, reporting the issue and confirming the fix.
@Calico_UK     29 August, 2018
    Twitter Calico_UK Kirsty from Calico UK:
Thank you Rashed for your recent bug notification. We've now had our web developer fix that. Great service!
@WilliamTRoot     19 July, 2018
    Twitter WilliamTRoot Bill Root from Web School of Science:
Rashed reported a problem with our web site, provided details and duplication instructions on my request, and confirmed it was fixed. Thank you Rashed!
@velhoon     3 July, 2018
    Twitter velhoon Michael Ward from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga:
Mr. Naamani alerted us to an XSS bug. He worked with us to get it fixed.
@olenjohnsen     30 May, 2018
    Twitter olenjohnsen Olen Johnsen from Phantom Ranch:
Rashed notified us out of the blue of a issue. We immediately recognized he is correct and we fixed the problem. He tested it for us, and verified. So all is good. Thank you Rashed.
@hostbaby     10 May, 2018
    Twitter hostbaby Ryan from HostBaby:
Thanks Rashed for alerting us about our XSS issue and also confirming the fix. Much appreciated, keep up the good work :)
@fusedreality     2 May, 2018
    Twitter fusedreality Craig from mtc:
Rashed quickly imformed us of XSS exploits and provided clear and detailed info on what was affected. Thank you so much for your hard work!
@rzcarpenter     1 May, 2018
    Twitter rzcarpenter Bob from ICF:
Thank you Rashed for alerting us to these XSS issues. We were able to fix them with your help. This is a fantastic service! Thank you again.
@ColinSchloth     1 May, 2018
    Twitter ColinSchloth Colin Schloth from NBA:
Thank you Rashed for spotting a XSS on one of our companies pages. Great work! Hope you continue to find success in your future projects.
@Cineca1969     20 April, 2018
    Twitter Cineca1969 Security Team from Cineca:
Thank you Rashed for your finding and reporting: it was very useful for us. Responsible disclosure is always appreciated by Cineca!
@UT_OIT     13 April, 2018
    Twitter UT_OIT Will from University of Tennessee:
Thanks for finding, reporting, and confirming the fix for our CSS vulnerability.
@PokerShibes     2 March, 2018
    Twitter PokerShibes Jack B from Poker Shibes:
Rashed found a bug in a new script and notified us immediately. He also showed us the exact issue and allowed us to fix the code quickly. Thank you!
@Scott_Research     14 February, 2018
    Twitter Scott_Research George Scott from
Thank you Rashed for spotting the vulnerability and alerting us!
@Slivvy     7 February, 2018
    Twitter Slivvy Jason Livingston from MembersFirst:
Thank you for sending us the XSS bug. We are putting a fix on our production servers later today.
@RedBroadband     5 February, 2018
    Twitter RedBroadband Tim from Red Broadband:
Thank you Rashed for your report, it is greatly appreciated
@pmdgFreak     22 January, 2018
    Twitter pmdgFreak Justin from aerowings:
Thank you for the XSS bug report! Our IT-Security is very happy to see that you are one of the good-people and we are now compliant again!
Keep up the great job!
@uafg     15 January, 2018
    Twitter uafg UAFG from UAFG:
Thanks for spotting vulnerabilities and alerting us. Very kind person, provided helpful with details about the issue.
@CellaMedical     11 January, 2018
    Twitter CellaMedical Miguel from Cella Medical:
Thanks Rashed for finding a XSS vulnerability and confirming its resolution!
@markymarrow     11 January, 2018
    Twitter markymarrow Mark Jenkins from UKRD Group:
Thanks for spotting the XSS vulnerability and alerting us.
@diegopineira     10 January, 2018
    Twitter diegopineira Jean-Philippe from Lesfleurs:
Thanks to Rashed for reaching out and educating the masses! Appreciate his politeness and professionalism
@iol_con     9 January, 2018
    Twitter iol_con Michael from IOLCon:
Thank you for pointing out the vulnerability and your friendly help to fix it.
@Fanor90823313     9 January, 2018
    Twitter Fanor90823313 Claudio Barisione from CISEF:
Thanks to his notification I fixed an XSS vulnerability on my company website, very helpful report as well - More people like him would mean a better internet for everyone.

Thanks again Rashed and keep up the great job you are doing!!
@docgear     8 January, 2018
    Twitter docgear Jesse from ABC Legal Services:
Thanks for spotting the XSS (and the old pages someone left lingering) on our site!
@OpenConf     2 January, 2018
    Twitter OpenConf Team from cyberspace:
Thank you for the report
@mslawson08     31 December, 2017
    Twitter mslawson08 Mike :
Thank you for the XSS bug report!
@anjorg70     31 December, 2017
    Twitter anjorg70 Anders Jørgensen from FoodInfo, Denmark:
Thanks a bunch for making me aware of this XSS vulnerability - your effort is much appreciated!
@bjnagel     28 December, 2017
    Twitter bjnagel Bart from BN:
Thanks for the XSS report, and for confirmation of its resolution.
@jkumbr     27 December, 2017
    Twitter jkumbr Richard from SR:
Thanks for reporting vulnerability found on one of our websites and really fast response!
@jaquearnoux     22 December, 2017
    Twitter jaquearnoux jaquearnoux from my very own:
Thanks to Rashed for testing the CSS-Attack svg=onload very polite and helpful for pointing out the XSS vulnerabilty.
@CEMFInews     21 December, 2017
    Twitter CEMFInews Javier from CEMFI:
Thank you for identifying an XSS bug. Much appreciated!
@yurykb     21 December, 2017
    Twitter yurykb yuryk from CGI-City:
Thannks for reporting XSS vulnerability on our website and quick response!
@SERPLAB     20 December, 2017
    Twitter SERPLAB Steve from SL:
Thanks for the details of a silly XSS we had missed!
@f_ficarola     19 December, 2017
    Twitter f_ficarola Francesco Ficarola from Sapienza, University of Rome:
Thank you so much Rashed for identifying the XSS vulnerability on our institutional website. Great work!
@SantiMirenna     18 December, 2017
    Twitter SantiMirenna Santi Mirenna from INGV Milano:
Rashed was very polite and helpful for pointing out the XSS vulnerabilty.
Thanks Rashed
@dsmithgard     17 December, 2017
    Twitter dsmithgard Dann Smith from Patton:
Thanks for helping me plug a stupid hole I opened up. Much appreciated!
@kudan1110     11 December, 2017
    Twitter kudan1110 Asahina from KKR:
Thanks for helped Rashed. The xss vulnerability could be fixed.
@bignaut     6 December, 2017
    Twitter bignaut Tony from MB:
Thanks to Rashed for the prompt assistance in helping us remove a vulnerability found on one of our websites. Lots of lessons learnt for us.
@KARMIANodio     4 December, 2017
    Twitter KARMIANodio Andrea from KarmianBand:
Thanks to Rashed we discovered a totally unknown vulnerabilities and fixed it! Great Man!
@shaunallcock     4 December, 2017
    Twitter shaunallcock Shaun from Click:
Thanks for the help Rashed, you enabled us to identify and fix a problem on our sites.
@alipaczka     29 November, 2017
    Twitter alipaczka adminpaczki from alipaczka:
Thank you for identifying an XSS bug.
Great work!
@RecordsUnit     29 November, 2017
    Twitter RecordsUnit Lukas from Unit Records:
Rashed was very polite and helpful. thanks for pointing out the vulnerabilty.
@tap_security     15 November, 2017
    Twitter tap_security TAP Security from TheAnswerPage:
Thanks for catching this vulnerability.
@silverarm     14 November, 2017
    Twitter silverarm Alan Reddan from Silverarm:
Great work identifying an xss bug much appreciated.
@johnof     14 November, 2017
    Twitter johnof John from ssell:
Rashed was able to uncover a vulnerability that an automated security scan failed to find.

He was very polite and timely in responding to our correspondence which allowed us to patch the bug quickly.

Thanks Rashed!
@charlieallomber     10 October, 2017
    Twitter charlieallomber Charlie from lg:
Thanks for pointing our lazy coding to us.
@cpethink     7 October, 2017
    Twitter cpethink Tad Stephens from, Ltd.:
Rashed is excellent and his help is much appreciated. We were able to quickly identify the problem and fix it, glad he was looking, we missed it.
@pastposters     5 October, 2017
    Twitter pastposters Jamie Copper from pastposters:
Rashed quickly and politely pointed out a vunerability in my site, which I was able to forward to my web tech, who fixed the issue. Thank you so much. It's nice to know there are Good honest helpful people out there.
@HarryOn2net     25 September, 2017
    Twitter HarryOn2net Harry from --:
Thanks Rashed for your help in pointing out the issue on one of the sites we look after.
@Liane___     12 September, 2017
    Twitter Liane___ Hubert Garrido from Liane inc.:
Thanks to the accurate report that was provided, I was able to immediately fix a security bug in one of my websites.
Thanks to this researcher for his help and expertise.
@1stclassmedia     8 August, 2017
    Twitter 1stclassmedia Mark Lawson from 1st Class Media:
Rashed was a great and helpful adviser identifying and assisting with a bug he found on one of our websites. Swift action by our technical team with his assistance allowed us to fix the issure.

Rashed is an example of how GOOD researchers identify issues and is a credit to Bug Bounty!

Please login via Twitter to add a recommendation

Honor Badges

Number of Secured Websites

10+ Secured Websites Badge
50+ Secured Websites Badge
500+ Secured Websites Badge
Web Security Veteran Badge
10+ Websites
50+ Websites
500+ Websites
1000+ Websites

Advanced Security Research

WAF Bypasser Badge
CSRF Master Badge
AppSec Logic Master Badge
Fastest Fix Badge
WAF Bypasser
CSRF Master
30+ Reports
AppSec Logic Master
30+ Reports
Fastest Fix
Fix in 24 hours

Outstanding Achievements

Secured OBB Badge
OBB Advocate Badge
Improved OBB Badge
Secured OBB
OBB Advocate
Improved OBB

Commitment to Remediate and Patch

Patch Master Badge
Patch Guru Badge
Patch Lord Badge
Patch Master
55% Patched
Patch Guru
65% Patched
Patch Lord
75% Patched

Recommendations and Recognition

10+ Recommends
25+ Recommends
50+ Recommends

Distinguished Blog Author

Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
1 Post
3 Posts
5+ Posts

Research Statistics

Total reports:6244
Total reports on VIP sites:84
Total patched vulnerabilities:2444
Recommendations received:51
Active since:08.07.2016
Top Security Researcher Awards:Gold Star Top Security Researcher of the Month Gold Star Top Security Researcher of the Month Gold Star Top Security Researcher of the Month Gold Star Top Security Researcher of the Month Gold Star Top Security Researcher of the Month

Open Bug Bounty Certificate

Researcher Certificate

Reported Vulnerabilities

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  Recent Recommendations

    22 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!
    10 April, 2024
Hatim uncovered a XSS bug that we were able to quickly resolve. Thanks very much for your assistance and help.
    8 April, 2024
Thanks to the support of Hatim Chabik, we were able to identify and solve an XSS bug.
    5 April, 2024
Pooja found a XSS vulnerability on our website and provided us with the needed Information for replication and fixing the issue. Which she verified afterwards.
We thank her for the reporting and assistance.
    2 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!