Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

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1,704,660 coordinated disclosures
1,383,227 fixed vulnerabilities
1,991 bug bounty programs, 3,919 websites
47,012 researchers, 1,651 honor badges

Faizan_mark | Security Researcher Profile

Security researcher Faizan_mark has already helped fix 98 vulnerabilities.

Researcher reputation:  580

Real name:
Shaikh Faizan Hashmatullah

About me:
Bug Hunter

Contact email:
email:: [email protected]
mob no:: 91 7208727134

Certifications & Diplomas:
CEH - Certified Ethical Hacker
CPTE - Certified Penetration Testing Engineer

Experience in Application Security
1-3 years

Award / Bug Bounty I prefer:
I prefer :
- Rewards
- Benefits Gifts
- Swag
- Hall of Fame
- Acknowledgment
- PayPal Money

Anything that you wish to award me will motivate me to continue doing what I'm doing.

Follow me on:

Ethics and Rules:
Shaikh Faizan Hashmatullah is required to abide by the ethics and rules of the Open Bug Bounty project. If you reasonably believe that rules are not respected, please report this to us.

Recommendations and Acknowledgements | Full List:

@Hdjdjd78115556     5 January, 2020
    Twitter Hdjdjd78115556 CheKwarap :
Great faizan mark.
@Hdjdjd78115556     5 January, 2020
    Twitter Hdjdjd78115556 Metaphor :
Great security researcher!
@Hdjdjd78115556     5 January, 2020
    Twitter Hdjdjd78115556 Vesporek :
Great bughunter!!
@Hdjdjd78115556     5 January, 2020
    Twitter Hdjdjd78115556 Star :
Thanks for finding xss vulnerability in our website.
@Hdjdjd78115556     5 January, 2020
    Twitter Hdjdjd78115556 Belacat :
I appreciate your hard work
@Hdjdjd78115556     5 January, 2020
    Twitter Hdjdjd78115556 Joseoh :
Great work
@shaikha01874386     13 November, 2019
    Twitter shaikha01874386 Affan :
Good going, doing great work.
@shaikha01874386     13 November, 2019
    Twitter shaikha01874386 Affan :
Good going, doing great work.
@shaikha01874386     13 November, 2019
    Twitter shaikha01874386 Shaikh Affan :
Thanks Faizan, most helpful and great work, really appreciated! Impressed of the quick help how to fix. Good man!
@shaikha01874386     13 November, 2019
    Twitter shaikha01874386 Affan Shaikh :
Thanks a lot Eduardo for the report and explanation of what you found. The issue has been patched.
@Lukanest1     13 November, 2019
    Twitter Lukanest1 Lukanest :
Thank you once again faizan_mark.
@Lukanest1     13 November, 2019
    Twitter Lukanest1 Lukanest :
Thanks for prompting us on vulnerability and exposed data in our website. Great work you are doing to keep the internet safe.
@Lukanest1     13 November, 2019
    Twitter Lukanest1 Lukanest :
Thanks a lot for bringing attention to a potential issue. Much appreciated
@Alansharma19     13 November, 2019
    Twitter Alansharma19 Alan :
Thank you faizan_mark for not only finding and reporting a bug on our college website but then being very helpful in helping me to reproduce the issue and then verifying it as being solved. I am very grateful.
@tonykhent     12 November, 2019
    Twitter tonykhent tony :
thank you!
@tonykhent     12 November, 2019
    Twitter tonykhent tonykhent :
Highly professional - spotted a number of issues with wordpress instance & was very fast at communicating. Internet hero!
@tonykhent     12 November, 2019
    Twitter tonykhent tonykhent :
Highly professional - spotted a number of issues with wordpress instance & was very fast at communicating. Internet hero!
@funzonekul     12 November, 2019
    Twitter funzonekul funzonekull :
Thank you for the assistance. Clearly stated issue, clear report. Thank you for your work
@funzonekul     12 November, 2019
    Twitter funzonekul funzonekull :
Thank you for the assistance. Clearly stated issue, clear report. Thank you for your work
@funzonekul     12 November, 2019
    Twitter funzonekul funzonekull :
Thank you for the assistance. Clearly stated issue, clear report. Thank you for your work
@Lukanest1     5 November, 2019
    Twitter Lukanest1 lookanest :
Dear Faizan,
Thank you very much for your responsible and professionally conducted vulnerability report.
@Jannyhan3     5 November, 2019
    Twitter Jannyhan3 janny :
Thank you very much for your help!
@kashifs27712416     5 November, 2019
    Twitter kashifs27712416 kashifkhan :
Thanks Faizan_mark for informing us about vulnerability.
@shaikha01874386     5 November, 2019
    Twitter shaikha01874386 Shaikh Affan :
Thanks a lot for bringing attention to a potential issue. Much appreciated.
@yukiphok     5 November, 2019
    Twitter yukiphok yukiphok :
He found an XSS security flaw on our website that we did not notice despite our security tests. I recommend faizan_mark without hesitation.
@nickspear6     5 November, 2019
    Twitter nickspear6 nickspear :
On behalf of our company, thank you for the accurate and quick response in disclosing our vulnerability. This was done in a professional and responsible manner through the bug bounty program, giving us time to remediate.
@laibakkayyum     5 November, 2019
    Twitter laibakkayyum laibakkayyum :
Thanks for help fixing issues.
Fast communication he make a good job.
@akshayk24935039     5 November, 2019
    Twitter akshayk24935039 akshaykhanna :
Thank you so much for highlighting the vulnerability - you're doing an amazing job!
@kashifs27712416     4 November, 2019
    Twitter kashifs27712416 kashifkhan :
Thanks for letting us know about this XSS vulnerability. We appreciate the quick feedback.
@kaysolek     4 November, 2019
    Twitter kaysolek kayasolek :
Thanks a lot Faizan_mark for the report and explanation of what you found. The issue has been patched.
@rahim15537301     4 November, 2019
    Twitter rahim15537301 rahim khan :
Thanks for informing about xss vulnerability in our website, soon I will fix this bug.
@alantork1     4 November, 2019
    Twitter alantork1 alantork :
Thank you Faizan_mark for finding bug in our website and thanks for reporting us about this bug.
@Lukanest1     24 October, 2019
    Twitter Lukanest1 Lukanest :
Faizan_mark helped us fix the vulnerability on our website. You replied to all our emails in a very friendly, professional and patient way. He provided us all the technical details to solve the problems. Thanks a lot for that. Great job.
@setqork     24 October, 2019
    Twitter setqork Setqork :
Many thanks to Faizan_mark for letting us know of a vulnerability and some suggested solutions.
@chekwarap     24 October, 2019
    Twitter chekwarap CheKwarap :
Thanks for reporting the vulnerability. I was able to produce a fix for it easily, but it's not something I'd have ever thought to try.
@Metapho33713755     24 October, 2019
    Twitter Metapho33713755 Metaphor :
Faizan_mark Thank you so much for quickly informed us of XSS exploits and provided clear and detailed info on what was affected. Thank you so much for your hard work!
@Belacat3     24 October, 2019
    Twitter Belacat3 Belacat :
Thank you Faizan_mark for your in depth analysis. Your message has allowed us to understand the vulnerability we faced and patch it immediately thanks to your adequate advices.
@guferlet     24 October, 2019
    Twitter guferlet Guferlet :
Great job finding a vulnerability. I have fixed the issue now, thanks for your help!
@vesporek     24 October, 2019
    Twitter vesporek Vesporek :
On behalf of our company, thank you for the accurate and quick response in disclosing our vulnerability. This was done in a professional and responsible manner through the bug bounty program, giving us time to remediate
@Miguel45570747     24 October, 2019
    Twitter Miguel45570747 Owaislakhani :
Thank you for notifying us of an XSS vulnerability in our project
@Affan37096103     24 October, 2019
    Twitter Affan37096103 Rafik :
Faizan_mark helped us fix the vulnerability on our website. He replied to all our emails in a very friendly, professional and patient way. He provided us all the technical details to solve the problems. Thanks a lot for that. Great job.
@lukamap1     24 October, 2019
    Twitter lukamap1 lukamap :
Thank you for calling our attention to the possible vulnerability on one of our apps. Appreciate!
@fachkolop     24 October, 2019
    Twitter fachkolop fackolop :
Thanks for prompting us on vulnerability and exposed data in our website. Great work you are doing to keep the internet safe.
@YashJangid01     24 October, 2019
    Twitter YashJangid01 yash :
Thanks for disclosing an issue with one of our clients' website. We were able to quickly patch it.
@rendkul     23 October, 2019
    Twitter rendkul rendkul :
thanks for informing us about xss vulnerability.
@raviakp1004     23 October, 2019
    Twitter raviakp1004 ravi :
Thanks for letting us know about this XSS vulnerability. We appreciate the quick feedback.
@Mrrain_1996     23 October, 2019
    Twitter Mrrain_1996 mrrain_1996 from MrRain:
Thank you a lot for the information and the support on fixing the issue! Very friendly and kind contact.
@retyork1     22 October, 2019
    Twitter retyork1 retyork :
Thanks Andre for providing a very professional service. Your report provided all the information that we needed in order to rectify the XSS vulnerability that you have discovered.
@kifayat70677834     22 October, 2019
    Twitter kifayat70677834 kifayatkan :
Many thanks to Faizan_mark for letting us know of a vulnerability and some suggested solutions.
@pritamk03158321     22 October, 2019
    Twitter pritamk03158321 pritam kumar :
Thank you Faizan_mark for helping us identify an XSS, really appreciated! The description of the vulnerability was clear and allowed us to make a fix quickly.
@Jannyhan3     22 October, 2019
    Twitter Jannyhan3 Jannyhan :
Thank you so much for reporting the security issue and bringing this to our attention. We highly appreciate your time and professional skills in helping to make Driver Easy more secure.
We're working on the issue and will update with you when we fix it.
Thanks again for everything.
@Alansharma19     21 October, 2019
    Twitter Alansharma19 Akshay sharma :
Thanks very much for the report!
We were sure that everything was proteced, but apparently we missed some special places where the escaping wasn't sufficient.
It is now fixed.
@maximcae     21 October, 2019
    Twitter maximcae Maximcae :
Thank you for making us aware of an issue on our site.
We really appreciate it.
@stephonck     21 October, 2019
    Twitter stephonck Stephonchristania :
Thank you very much for finding and evaluating a vulnerability on our website. Very professional and detailed communication
@markcevin     21 October, 2019
    Twitter markcevin Markcevin :
Thank you Faizan_mark for warnings about XSS failures on our websites. We have fixed it.
@Mohdsal86413147     21 October, 2019
    Twitter Mohdsal86413147 MohdSalah :
Thank you for research and reporting XSS vulnerability of my site.
@king_bug     21 October, 2019
    Twitter king_bug John hk :
Thanks for finding bug in my website and thank you for helping me to fix bug in website.
@king_bug     21 October, 2019
    Twitter king_bug John hk :
Thanks for finding bug in my website and thank you for helping me to fix bug in website.

Please login via Twitter to add a recommendation

Honor Badges

Number of Secured Websites

10+ Secured Websites Badge
50+ Secured Websites Badge
500+ Secured Websites Badge
Web Security Veteran Badge
10+ Websites
50+ Websites
500+ Websites
1000+ Websites

Advanced Security Research

WAF Bypasser Badge
CSRF Master Badge
AppSec Logic Master Badge
Fastest Fix Badge
WAF Bypasser
CSRF Master
30+ Reports
AppSec Logic Master
30+ Reports
Fastest Fix
Fix in 24 hours

Outstanding Achievements

Secured OBB Badge
OBB Advocate Badge
Improved OBB Badge
Secured OBB
OBB Advocate
Improved OBB

Commitment to Remediate and Patch

Patch Master Badge
Patch Guru Badge
Patch Lord Badge
Patch Master
55% Patched
Patch Guru
65% Patched
Patch Lord
75% Patched

Recommendations and Recognition

10+ Recommends
25+ Recommends
50+ Recommends

Distinguished Blog Author

Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
1 Post
3 Posts
5+ Posts

Research Statistics

Total reports:459
Total reports on VIP sites:18
Total patched vulnerabilities:98
Recommendations received:58
Active since:24.09.2019

Open Bug Bounty Certificate

Researcher Certificate

Reported Vulnerabilities

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  Latest Patched


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  Recent Recommendations

    22 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!
    10 April, 2024
Hatim uncovered a XSS bug that we were able to quickly resolve. Thanks very much for your assistance and help.
    8 April, 2024
Thanks to the support of Hatim Chabik, we were able to identify and solve an XSS bug.
    5 April, 2024
Pooja found a XSS vulnerability on our website and provided us with the needed Information for replication and fixing the issue. Which she verified afterwards.
We thank her for the reporting and assistance.
    2 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!