Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

For security researchers
Report a Vulnerability
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For website owners
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1,773,227 coordinated disclosures
1,465,503 fixed vulnerabilities
2,083 bug bounty programs, 3,998 websites
56,334 researchers, 1,732 honor badges

CYBERTIX | Security Researcher Profile

Security researcher CYBERTIX has already helped fix 247 vulnerabilities.

Researcher reputation:  20

Real name:

About me:
Cybertix is an organization which caters to the need of technology based risk management & cyber security solution across the globe.

Cybertix team of penetration testers have worked on various industries starting from manufacturing to banking and have secured applications and networks on various platforms.

Cybertix had been the first choice for enterprises who are looking for an effective penetration testing service to test there IT infrastructure.

Contact email:
[email protected]

Alternative Contacts:
E-mail : [email protected]

Certifications & Diplomas:




ISO 27001:2013 LA


Experience in Application Security
over 5 years

Award / Bug Bounty I prefer:
Please reward us for the Vulnerability as we are working very hard to secure the World Ethically.

PayPal :

Halls of Fame:
1. Google
2. Microsoft
3. Apple
4. Eclipse

1. Dutch Gov
2. Indian Gov
3. Latvia Gov

1. Harvard
2. Cambridge
3. Manchester
4. Oxford
5. San Dieg

Follow me on:

Ethics and Rules:
Cybertix is required to abide by the ethics and rules of the Open Bug Bounty project. If you reasonably believe that rules are not respected, please report this to us.

Recommendations and Acknowledgements

@ThorvaldAagaard     10 October, 2022
    Twitter ThorvaldAagaard Thorvald from Netbridge:
Cybertix identified a Cross-site scripting possibility, that had existed for many years. Nice to have it fixed.

Please login via Twitter to add a recommendation

Honor Badges

Number of Secured Websites

10+ Secured Websites Badge
50+ Secured Websites Badge
500+ Secured Websites Badge
Web Security Veteran Badge
10+ Websites
50+ Websites
500+ Websites
1000+ Websites

Advanced Security Research

WAF Bypasser Badge
CSRF Master Badge
AppSec Logic Master Badge
Fastest Fix Badge
WAF Bypasser
CSRF Master
30+ Reports
AppSec Logic Master
30+ Reports
Fastest Fix
Fix in 24 hours

Outstanding Achievements

Secured OBB Badge
OBB Advocate Badge
Improved OBB Badge
Secured OBB
OBB Advocate
Improved OBB

Commitment to Remediate and Patch

Patch Master Badge
Patch Guru Badge
Patch Lord Badge
Patch Master
55% Patched
Patch Guru
65% Patched
Patch Lord
75% Patched

Recommendations and Recognition

10+ Recommends
25+ Recommends
50+ Recommends

Distinguished Blog Author

Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
Distinguished Blog Author Badge
1 Post
3 Posts
5+ Posts

Research Statistics

Total reports:656
Total reports on VIP sites:38
Total patched vulnerabilities:247
Total vulnerabilities on Hold (Open Bug Bounty):68
Recommendations received:1
Active since:28.06.2021

Open Bug Bounty Certificate

Researcher Certificate

Reported Vulnerabilities

All Submissions VIP Submissions

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  Latest Patched


  Latest Blog Posts

04.12.2023 by BAx99x
Unmasking the Power of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Types, Exploitation, Detection, and Tools
04.12.2023 by a13h1_
$1120: ATO Bug in Twitter’s
04.12.2023 by ClumsyLulz
How I found a Zero Day in W3 Schools
04.12.2023 by 24bkdoor
Hack the Web like a Pirate: Identifying Vulnerabilities with Style
04.12.2023 by 24bkdoor
Navigating the Bounty Seas with Open Bug Bounty

  Recent Recommendations

    20 December, 2024
Thank you very much for your reporting a XSS vulnerability on my site.
Thanks also for the friendly communication!
Great job!
    10 December, 2024
Thank you for identifying an old development project. Information provided was clear allowing a swift removal of the offending code.
    10 December, 2024
Andrea is very professional and reported an issue responsibly and in a timely manner, with great communication about the scope and potential impact. Though it was a low-severity issue, this was nevertheless something in need of patching and we're always grateful at PrivacySafe to security researchers, especially hardworking volunteers like Andrea.
    9 December, 2024
Reported an XSS vulnerability on our website, and provided enough details for us to fix it quickly. So helpful!!
    8 December, 2024
Many thanks for your reports highlighting a potential XSS bug where a validation step was out of sequence to the initial use.