Infosec Institute

Open Bug Bounty mentioned in the
Top 6 Bug Bounty programs of
2022 by the InfoSec Institute

The Hacker News

Open Bug Bounty named among the
Top 5 Bug Bounty programs of 2021
by The Hacker News

Platform update: please use our new authentication mechanism to securely use the Open Bug Bounty Platform.
For security researchers
Report a Vulnerability
Submit, help fixing, get kudos.
For website owners
Start a Bug Bounty
Run your bounty program for free.
1,702,847 coordinated disclosures
1,382,137 fixed vulnerabilities
1,990 bug bounty programs, 3,918 websites
46,765 researchers, 1,651 honor badges - Kaufland e-comme Bug Bounty Program - Kaufland e-comme runs a bug bounty program to ensure the highest security and privacy of its websites. Everyone is eligible to participate in the program subject to the below-mentioned conditions and requirements of - Kaufland e-comme

Open Bug Bounty performs triage and verification of the submissions. However, we never intervene to the further process of vulnerability remediation and disclosure between - Kaufland e-comme and researchers.

Bug bounty program allow private submissions only.

Bug Bounty Scope

The following websites are within the scope of the program:

Non-Intrusive Submissions Handling

The following section encompasses submission of the vulnerabilities that do not require intrusive testing as per Open Bug Bounty rules:

- Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Open Redirect

- Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Improper Access Control

General Requirements:

Requirements for reward:

1. You are the first person to report the corresponding security vulnerability, it is clearly within the scope of the program as defined by our program description* and has been accepted by our security team triage process.

2. You must create a detailed report with technical details of the vulnerability, associated risk, and the potential impact on our products and/or our users, as well as recommendation on the remediation we should implement.

3. Your report must include written instructions on how to reproduce the vulnerability. Reports that do not include clear reproduction steps may be excluded from the premium.

4. should have sufficient time to react and correct the error. The issue must not be disclosed publicly before our security team has communicated that the issue has been fixed. You confirm that you have not informed any third parties about the vulnerability.

5. You confirm that you have not exfiltrated or disclosed any Kaufland or third-party data, especially those which belong to the customers of

Testing Requirements:

Nothing is allowed that
- could lead to denial of service and/or
- could change behavior of our sites and/or
- could change content of our sites.

It is not allowed
- to publish findings outside,
- to use findings/insights for other than the purpose to inform us

Rules of the road
- Please use scanners in a responsible way in terms of volume and avoid spamming the contact form*
- Please do NOT attempt to access data of our customers: instead, use your own accounts for such tests
- Please do NOT attempt to pivot/escalate privileges in case you gained some access to our systems. You probably have already achieved the highest bounty
- Social engineering or other attacks on our employees are out of scope
- DoS and DDoS attacks are out of scope

Out of scope issues
- Apparently outdated software alone (without associated risk): your submission should include an actual working PoC demonstrating a vulnerability. We have a detailed vulnerability/patch management approach, in which we might fix issues forking dependencies, triage exploitability etc…
- cookie flags, version disclosure, tab nabbing attacks, issues related to our DNS records

Scope special notes
The webshop host and other TLDs, such as and should not have any difference and we recommend testing only one of these.

Possible Awards:

Possible Awards for Bug Bounty Participants:
- Monetary Compensation: Receive a financial bounty via wire transfer for identifying and reporting impactful bugs.
- Good Karma: Your efforts contribute to enhancing digital security, benefiting the wider community.
- Recognition: Exceptional contributions will be acknowledged in our Hall of Fame, highlighting your expertise and dedication.

Other Submissions Handling

Website owner want to receive information about other vulnerabilities


[email protected]

General Requirements:

Requirements for reward:

1. You are the first person to report the corresponding security vulnerability, it is clearly within the scope of the program as defined by our program description* and has been accepted by our security team triage process.

2. You must create a detailed report with technical details of the vulnerability, associated risk, and the potential impact on our products and/or our users, as well as recommendation on the remediation we should implement.

3. Your report must include written instructions on how to reproduce the vulnerability. Reports that do not include clear reproduction steps may be excluded from the premium.

4. should have sufficient time to react and correct the error. The issue must not be disclosed publicly before our security team has communicated that the issue has been fixed. You confirm that you have not informed any third parties about the vulnerability.

5. You confirm that you have not exfiltrated or disclosed any Kaufland or third-party data, especially those which belong to the customers of

Testing Requirements:

Nothing is allowed that
- could lead to denial of service and/or
- could change behavior of our sites and/or
- could change content of our sites.

It is not allowed
- to publish findings outside,
- to use findings/insights for other than the purpose to inform us

Rules of the road
- Please use scanners in a responsible way in terms of volume and avoid spamming the contact form*
- Please do NOT attempt to access data of our customers: instead, use your own accounts for such tests
- Please do NOT attempt to pivot/escalate privileges in case you gained some access to our systems. You probably have already achieved the highest bounty
- Social engineering or other attacks on our employees are out of scope
- DoS and DDoS attacks are out of scope

Out of scope issues
- Apparently outdated software alone (without associated risk): your submission should include an actual working PoC demonstrating a vulnerability. We have a detailed vulnerability/patch management approach, in which we might fix issues forking dependencies, triage exploitability etc…
- cookie flags, version disclosure, tab nabbing attacks, issues related to our DNS records

Scope special notes
The webshop host and other TLDs, such as and should not have any difference and we recommend testing only one of these.

Possible Awards:

Possible Awards for Bug Bounty Participants:
- Monetary Compensation: Receive a financial bounty via wire transfer for identifying and reporting impactful bugs.
- Good Karma: Your efforts contribute to enhancing digital security, benefiting the wider community.
- Recognition: Exceptional contributions will be acknowledged in our Hall of Fame, highlighting your expertise and dedication.

Community Rating

Provided by security researchers who reported security vulnerabilities via this bug bounty program:

Response Time  Information How quickly researchers get responses to their submissions.
Remediation Time  Information How quickly reported submissions are fixed.
Cooperation and Respect  Information How fairly and respectfully researchers are being treated.

Researcher's comments

No comments so far.

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    10 April, 2024
Hatim uncovered a XSS bug that we were able to quickly resolve. Thanks very much for your assistance and help.
    8 April, 2024
Thanks to the support of Hatim Chabik, we were able to identify and solve an XSS bug.
    5 April, 2024
Pooja found a XSS vulnerability on our website and provided us with the needed Information for replication and fixing the issue. Which she verified afterwards.
We thank her for the reporting and assistance.
    2 April, 2024
Thank you for your invaluable help in ensuring the security of our domain and its visitors!
    20 March, 2024
Great exchanges with this person, thank you for your help and your report